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0161 822 8355
Car handover

PDI dual control car leasing

Dualdrive are a leading supplier of cars for PDIs. Our range of dual control lease vehicles are ideally suited for driving tuition, so you can rest assured you're conducting lessons in a reliable, maintained vehicle.

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Our competitively priced packages can be tailored to your needs

If you’re a Potential Driving Instructor working towards your final exam, leasing a dual control car could be the ideal option to get your business off the ground with minimal fuss. 

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Part qualified? Now get fully equipped with DualPDI

DualPDI is a short term package with aimed at getting PDIs on the road. We know that you’ll have different needs to an ADI so as well as answering their queries, we’ve addressed a few that are unique to PDIs below.

Cash will be tight, how can you help?
Our PDI packages are based around an initial short term contract on a brand new vehicle, with the aim of keeping monthly payments as low as possible. We also waive our admin fee for PDI’s and all instructors benefit from our like for like price match guarantee.

If I pass my part two, can I extend my contract?
Yes, subject to the mileage on your vehicle we would be happy for you to extend your contract.

I’m not sure what my mileage will be, any advice on how to work it out?
Our team of experts are happy to talk you through the Dualdrive mileage calculator so we can work it out together.

Contact us
Get in touch or call the team on 0161 822 8355 to find out more.

Learner driver operating a dual control car

Why choose Dualdrive?

Guaranteed price match

Flexible leases

Extensive range

Top manufacturers

Routine maintenance

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“Dualdrive were recommended by my driving school and the service from start to finish has been excellent. All the document handling was very efficient and the delivery went smoothly”
Helen Prentice

Learner driver operating a dual control car
Featured Article

Nissan Leaf 40kw Tekna – reviewed for Driving Instructors

The Nissa Leaf was the first mass market electric vehicle and the new version has moved things on significantly. We were keen to try living with an electric vehicle so were delighted when the Tekna version arrived loaded with kit.

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